Inside the green plantation farm, the building with 11,000m2 was built to absorb the mango on site and surrounded areas.
Kirirom's canteen exists for the convenience of its staff members. Also Employees often use this as a gathering location to unwind after a long day's work and share a complimentary meal.
Kirirom's employees can relax or stay overnight in the residence complex. Spacious rooms and amenties are provided.
After the visit of the factory, in the middle of our mango farm, it is possible a rest in our vacation house!
Come and enjoy the best mangoes of Cambodia!
The facility is open for staff members to use at their convenience and weekly observances are conducted here.
In the evening after work, our staff in factory usually play football or running exercise. On Saturdays, Kirirom employees assemble for a lightheared but competitive game of football near the Phnom Penh office.
"Keo Romet" becomes the most popular variety nowadays because of its taste, color, and lovely appearance. Therefore, it is now considered as one of the best Mangoes in Cambodia. In addition, it is the focus of discussion regards to the volue of supply and its uniqueness of less fragile. Therefore, it is consumed both in the local and international markets for fresh and processed mango. The taste is a bit sour when mature and it matches perfectly with salt and chilly. Local people love it for their healthy fresh fruit snack. Its peels remains green although it is ready to eat when it is ripen.
The color will turn to yellow ehn it is well-ripen, Tasty, sweet and nice smell: are the adjective of description of this lovely mango type.
With fertile land, favorable tropical climate and well taken care of, mango can be harvested two times per year, with the toatl of eight months. The main season last for five months i.e February, March, April, May and June. Then the next season starts from October, November and December.